Wedding canceled due to Coronavirus!

Wedding canceled due to Coronavirus!


There is no escaping the grip of Coronavirus on almost every conversation, newspaper and social media platform. We are officially in the middle of a pandemic. Concerts, sports games, conferences, weddings, large gatherings, and gathering with people outside of your own home is now prohibited.

Corona's 2020'a edition of cancel culture!

This post isn’t written to contribute to the panic and anxiety, but, rather discuss the impact this is having on some of our customers and followers. The Coronavirus is 2020’s edition of cancel culture and it didn’t just target an individual or brand, it has targeted the world over, GREAT. All jokes aside, we strongly encourage social distancing, self-isolation, following what the government and healthcare professionals are advising.

Businesses in Limbo

Rag Revolution specialises in renting dresses to our customers, with no events and no one is renting dresses, this has greatly impacted our business. Even more devastatingly are countless messages from distressed brides-to-be who have already or about to cancel or reschedule their wedding due to Covid-19. It's not just customers who have been affected but a lot of close friends have had to cancel their wedding day too.

Little chance of a refund

We can only imagine the sheer distress this has caused for people who were looking forward to one of the best days of their lives. Our business may be at a temporary standstill, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to give something back to our community.
We received a lot of messages but two particular messages that stood out were from a woman who had to cancel her wedding in Italy with little chance of her getting any of her money back. And another had to cancel 2 days before her big day due to government restrictions and guidelines.

Health and Safety

People's health and safety is the priority right now but, I can’t help to feel compassion for the brides and the grooms during this time. Almost all my friends who are due to get married in 2020 had put in months of planning, organising and saving for their wedding day, only to have it cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Most people we have spoken to have been able to reschedule it, but this has still been an extremely trying and stressful time for them.

With so much disappointment and worry for those affected. Rag Revolution decided to send some love and gift some of the brides who have been affected by the Coronavirus. We asked our followers to let us know if they or someone they knew has been affected. We have received so many messages but, unfortunately, we could only offer our gift to the few people who responded. It’s not a lot, but we’re hoping this makes someone’s day!

Love Rag Revo

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